I went to my blog this morning and right away saw my latest post. Hannah was so tiny! Then I scroll down and see her now. Where does time go? I can no longer lift her up. She has to jump up so I can hold her for a few seconds, but she doesn't like being held....thinks she's too old I guess.
I'm having a hard time right now. I guess a lot of it is seeing Hannah upstairs at school with me, out at Safety Patrol, doing 4th grade homework. I had to see Logan leave and go the Middle School this year. It seems once they leave the Elementary, it goes so fast. Tyler is already a Sophomore. Where did time go?
I remember being overwhelmed a few years ago. My little ones are only 17 months apart, so I was very busy. Then my personal life took a 180 degree turn, and I was a single Mom with a 2, 3 and 9 year old. It was so hard, but I wish I had those years back sometimes.
When Tom met Hannah he said she had chicklet teeth. They were so small. I miss those chicklet teeth! It meant she was little! We are so close, and she will still sit on my lap....only if no one is around.
What am I going to do when they graduate? I guess I can't worry about that right now. I must enjoy them NOW.
5 years ago